fun fun fun

I love the weather lately. It has finally warmed up enough for BBQ’s and outdoor entertainment. Unfortunately, the best weather is during the week and it tends to rain on the weekend. So I decided to have my BBQ during the week. I called my friends and some family and told them since the weather was going to be shitty this weekend, we should get together on Wednesday afternoon. Everyone is going to leave work early or change their schedules so that they have the day off. We are going to get together at my place around the pool and have our first BBQ of the season.

Everyone is tired of the winter weather and more than ready to have some fucking fun. It is to be a potluck type of BBQ, with me providing the meat and grill. Everyone is going to participate. I am so happy to be able to do this. I have missed the outdoors throughout the winter and am looking forward to some sun and fresh air. So, if you do not have to work, give me a call. Everyone is welcome to come to the BBQ. Bring a dish or something and come on over. We are going to have a blast.

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